Solving Problems with DNS Domain Ownership Verification when Hosting a Static Website using AWS CloudFront
While searching for an efficient way to host a blog, I stumbled across this tutorial to host a static website using AWS: medium article. The website is stored in an S3 bucket, and then CloudFront is used for delivery and TLS encryption. While following the article, I had some issues with the domain ownership validation required for the certificate creation. Here, I lay out the steps I undertook to get a working setup.
Domain Registration / Hosted Zone Creation
- I registered a (.de) domain using Amazons Route-53. In the end, the domain ended up being registered by
- After creating the Hosted Zone, I wanted to generate the TLS certificate in the Certificate Manager (in region US East/N. Virginia)
- However, the DNS verification method to prove domain ownership wouldn’t work for me. It would just state “pending verification” for more than two days (which felt incorrect)
- As it turned out, I had to update the nameservers of the domain in Route 53 (Registered Domains > > Actions > Edit Nameservers) to the values of the nameservers that are visible in the hosted zone
- All nameservers there must be changed from “”, “”, … to the nameservers visible in the hosted zone (in my case 4 AWS dns names)
- After creating the DNS records in the Certificate Manager (> Certificates > Create records in Route 53) and waiting some time, the certificate was issued
- Finally, I had to add an “Alternate domain name (CNAME)” in the CloudFront distributions settings to be able to create A & AAAA level records in Route53